“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will
reward them for what they have done.”
Every year, Discover Christian Church seeks to live out its mission
to, “LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE and IMPACT THE WORLD through relational community,”
through its annual Cruisin’ for a Cause Car and Truck Show.
Cruisin’ for a Cause began in 2010 as Hot Rod’s for Haiti in order to raise money for the
hurricane ravaged nation. Every September, the Dublin, Ohio church chooses a different charity near and dear to their hearts in which to
donate the proceeds. This year is no different.
Proceeds of this year’s outreach will go to a special ministry in Columbus known as Columbus Relief. Columbus Relief serves the needs of the local and regional homeless population. Most people would be shocked to learn that the average household is just a few paychecks away from being homeless.
There are often many factors which can
lead to someone becoming homeless. It can be from a lack of affordable housing, low
income, job loss, the death of a spouse, mental/physical illness or drug addiction.
A lot of times people are afraid to ask for help because they might be ashamed
of their situations.
This is where Columbus Relief comes in.
Through their Mobile
Relief Bus, they love people where they are unconditionally and meet not just
their physical needs, but their spiritual needs as well. Human beings are made
up of a body, soul and spirit and it is often this spiritual aspect that is
Columbus Relief seeks to, “draw people toward Christ as the ultimate provider of their needs and guide them in transforming their lives as well as the people around them.”
They have a five-fold Vision Statement:
Columbus Relief's Mobile Relief Bus in action. Photo courtesy of @ColumbusRelief
Columbus Relief seeks to, “draw people toward Christ as the ultimate provider of their needs and guide them in transforming their lives as well as the people around them.”
They have a five-fold Vision Statement:
- Mobilize- To travel into areas of poverty and homelessness to serve individuals and families.
- Inspire- To provide for the immediate needs and offer inspiration through relationship.
- Guidance- To collaborate with community relationships that help lead to a self-sustaining life by offering spiritual, life skill, employment skill and peer mentoring support services.
- Heart- To put God's love into action through healthy living, supportive relationships, and accountability.
- Transform- To transform people's lives and renew their quality of life.
Columbus Relief's Mobile Relief Bus in action. Photo courtesy of @ColumbusRelief
Every Saturday, volunteers bring food, blessing (hygiene) kits, and other important items to those in need. They take the time to establish relationships and build trust with people. It is incredible what can be accomplished if you listen to people, treat them with dignity, and invest in their
lives through acts of love and service.
Both Discover Christian Church and Columbus Relief share this
same love for others and vision for their community.
On September 22nd, you will have a chance to
support that vision.
Cruisin’ for a Cause will consist of a car and truck show with folks from all across Ohio bringing their vehicles in order to be judged.
Entrants for the contest will pay a $10 entry fee and will park in the church parking lot. Admittance for regular attendees is free and parking is across the street in the Meijer parking lot. The event will take place from 1pm to 6pm and registration will be from 1pm to 3pm. The show starts at 3pm and will culminate in the trophy presentation at 5:30 pm with hand crafted trophies provided by Ark Hot Rods.
Cruisin’ for a Cause will consist of a car and truck show with folks from all across Ohio bringing their vehicles in order to be judged.
Entrants for the contest will pay a $10 entry fee and will park in the church parking lot. Admittance for regular attendees is free and parking is across the street in the Meijer parking lot. The event will take place from 1pm to 6pm and registration will be from 1pm to 3pm. The show starts at 3pm and will culminate in the trophy presentation at 5:30 pm with hand crafted trophies provided by Ark Hot Rods.
In addition to the car and truck show, there will be many other family
friendly activities. There will be vendors from all across Ohio, a silent auction for
sports lovers, a craft show, door prizes and plenty of food, music and fun.
If you are unable to attend the event, there a couple of ways you can help. They are still accepting items for the silent auction. In previous years, there was a signed Eddie George and Orlando Pace jersey and a wide assortment of items from various Ohio professional sports teams.
If you would like to donate an item please include the item value and it can be mailed or dropped off at the church office to Kristin Carpenter. If you would like to make a donation, checks can be made out to Discover Christian Church with Columbus Relief in the memo.
If you are unable to attend the event, there a couple of ways you can help. They are still accepting items for the silent auction. In previous years, there was a signed Eddie George and Orlando Pace jersey and a wide assortment of items from various Ohio professional sports teams.
If you would like to donate an item please include the item value and it can be mailed or dropped off at the church office to Kristin Carpenter. If you would like to make a donation, checks can be made out to Discover Christian Church with Columbus Relief in the memo.
Discover Christian Church
2900 Martin Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Another way you can help, whether you are a participant or a spectator, is to consider donating something from the following needs list. These are some of the most needed items for Columbus Relief's outreach at this time and there will be a collection bin at the event:
Food sanitizer wipes
Clorox wipes
Travel size hygiene
Travel size deodorant
Hand warmers
Toilet paper
White tube socks
Another way you can help, whether you are a participant or a spectator, is to consider donating something from the following needs list. These are some of the most needed items for Columbus Relief's outreach at this time and there will be a collection bin at the event:
Food sanitizer wipes
Clorox wipes
Travel size hygiene
Travel size deodorant
Hand warmers
Toilet paper
White tube socks
Lastly, the Mobile Relief Bus will be on site as well.
It will be a great opportunity to meet the folks from Columbus Relief and to learn all about their wonderful outreach to the community.
Together we can help make a difference in the lives of those in need in our city. For when we give to them, we are giving to the Lord, and that is a reward in and of itself.
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Together we can help make a difference in the lives of those in need in our city. For when we give to them, we are giving to the Lord, and that is a reward in and of itself.
Nicholas Jackson
Copyright 2019 Nicholas Jackson - All rights reserved.
Nick is a 1997 graduate of Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio where he received his B.S in Biological Sciences. He went on to receive his Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy at Andrews University in Dayton, Ohio and then his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Chatham University in Pittsburgh. He has been published in the Newark Advocate, The Granville Sentinel, and the St. Louis Metro Voice; and professionally in the Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy. Nick has also been a guest host on 88.9 WLRY and 880AM WRFD
Copyright 2019 Nicholas Jackson - All rights reserved.
Nick is a 1997 graduate of Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio where he received his B.S in Biological Sciences. He went on to receive his Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy at Andrews University in Dayton, Ohio and then his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Chatham University in Pittsburgh. He has been published in the Newark Advocate, The Granville Sentinel, and the St. Louis Metro Voice; and professionally in the Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy. Nick has also been a guest host on 88.9 WLRY and 880AM WRFD
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Nick’s email: gobucks2204@gmail.com
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